Meet Annabelle

Meet Annabelle Dyer, a remarkable student activist whose passion for environmental conservation was sparked during a vacation in Los Sueños, Costa Rica.

Inspired by her experience at the Los Suenos Marriott Ocean & Golf Resort, Annabelle embarked on a mission to establish her own 5 Minute Beach Cleanup Chapter in her hometown of Virginia Beach. Let's explore Annabelle's inspiring journey and the impact she is making in her community.

A Transformational Vacation

During her stay at the Los Sueños Marriott Ocean & Golf Resort in Costa Rica, Annabelle Dyer discovered the "Friends of the Ocean'' program—a permanent beach cleanup station empowering locals and visitors to clean up beaches autonomously. In just five minutes, families, kids, and individuals can make a massive impact on the health of our waters.


Building Partnerships and Creating Impact

Inspiring Change in Virginia Beach

Upon her return to Virginia Beach, Annabelle reached out to the 5 Minute Foundation, inspired by the program's mission, Annabelle became determined to bring this to her own community. With the support of the 5 Minute Foundation, local resident Stacey Shiflet, who brings a lifetime career in hospitality, Norfolk Academy Environmental Fellows, and Virginia State Parks, Annabelle's vision materialized, setting a precedent for environmental activism in the community. First Landing is Virginia’s most popular state park destination, attracting over a million visitors annually, and making it the perfect home for this inaugural achievement.


Check Out Behind the Scenes

Building the Virginia Beach Cleanup Station

Annabelle's dedication led her to build a new cleanup station in Virginia Beach. From mid-construction to completion, the station serves as a tangible symbol of her commitment to the cause and provides a platform for locals and visitors to actively engage in preserving the beauty of the ocean.

Annabelle Dyer's inspiring journey from a transformative vacation to establishing a local chapter of the "Friends of the Ocean" program serves as a shining example of individual action and the power of inspiring change. Through her dedication and partnership-building with the local community, Annabelle is making a positive impact on her community's environmental consciousness. Let her story inspire us all to take action and protect our oceans for future generations.